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The headache of moving.

Actualizado: 23 jul 2024

Author: Arturo Zavala

Nobody knows what they have until... there is a move Popular saying

It may be that in other countries the facilities for moving are much greater than those in Mexico. After several moves, based on trial and error, we have learned many tips that, if we had known them before, would have saved us many headaches and, most importantly, spending money.

In the following lines I will try to explain it step by step, I understand that not all situations are the same, however, they all share certain characteristics and similarities, and it is on these characteristics and similarities that we are going to focus.


If you plan to move within a year, the first thing you have to do is start saving. If your job does not provide you with support for the move, you should consider that cost, which varies depending on the amount of furniture or cubic meters it occupies. all your household items and the distance to travel between both homes.

To give you an idea, a move of 18 m3, from CDMX to Veracruz, was quoted in a range from $14,000 to $18,000, for a distance of 500 km. When choosing the company that will carry out your move, check the opinions that the company has and try to get references, pay attention to the type of response they give you and how they give you the quote, that will give you an idea of ​​how professional they are. , and you will avoid surprises.

In addition to the money for the move, you will have to take into account the boxes, whether cardboard or plastic, for your items, since here in Mexico they do not pack loose items, so it is recommended to have them already packed.

Advantages of cardboard boxes: they are cheaper, the bad thing is that they are not as resistant, because if they get wet or treated poorly they can break and damage what you have inside; As for us, we opted for plastic boxes sold at WalMart®, they are resistant and reusable, and cost approximately $125.00 each.

A very good option is to buy IKEA® bags on Amazon®, they cost around $500, a pack of 3, they are durable and waterproof, and when you finish using them you can throw them away, or store them without them taking up so much space. You can check out these bags here.

If you are moving from the city, transportation by vehicle should be considered; In order to make a more approximate calculation of the expense that will be incurred on the vehicle, the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) has a page that allows you to calculate the total cost of the transfer including the expense of gasoline and booths. You can consult it here.


Be very careful when choosing the company that will carry out the move, the first thing is to ask acquaintances for references about a company that carries out removals, then try to find it on the internet, since most of them are already rated by clients and that gives an idea. of what the service could be like. You don't have to marry the first one you find, or the cheapest, you have to evaluate the service, references and opinions, the cost and delivery time.


A recommendation for packing is that it will be done using plastic boxes. The easiest thing is to buy colored ones, so you can designate one color for the kitchen, another for the living room and so on, because when you arrive at the new home, it will be easier to organize and unpack, as well as locate the items. If they are all the same color or all cardboard boxes, it is recommended to number them and make a list of the effects that each box has, for easy location.


Something that no one tells you, much less is customary to do, is fumigation, everyone assumes that since the house or apartment is delivered clean, it is free of pests or insects, the surprise comes later when when starting to unpacking and arranging things you will find spiders, cockroaches, ants, etc. For this reason, it is widely recommended to fumigate before bringing furniture and belongings into the house. If this is not possible, it is recommended that it be done before unpacking. The fumigation varies based on the region where you are located and the size of the house or apartment, prices are around $500.00 for a house of approximately 80 m2.


Before saying goodbye and thanking the company that carried out the move, it is advisable to inspect the equipment or fragile items, since it is at that moment when the guarantee can be made valid, because once the order they have is signed, it will no longer be valid. They are responsible for what may be found later. Electronic equipment such as television, sound system, etc., and fragile items, such as glassware or ornaments. In the same way, it is advisable to check the furniture to ensure that it is not beaten or missing any parts.


Any move, whether within the same city or outside of it, requires both physical and economic effort, but if it is well prepared in advance, the wear and tear will be less, as well as the stress experienced during it.

It is considered that the points mentioned above are the most important that must be carried out to prepare a move, there will be many more depending on the situation that arises, however, these are the most common in almost all moves that take place in Mexico.

Now, don't let the move be a headache, remember that it is part of a NEW BEGINNING...

Thanks for your reading.

Arturo Zavala - Colaborador

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